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Monie Love Shed's Light On The Current Interest on Violence against Women

Truthfully, it appears the violent trend of assaulting women has woken up the world by way of mass marketing itself through varied genres. Through Sports, Music, TV, and Hollywood, this ongoing and perhaps hidden epidemic has required our undivided attention at this time! With that said, this young lady, who is nice on the Mic as a rapper, suffered a horrible assault and became another shameful notch in the violence against women trend. Clearly we can assess this is a bigger problem and not isolated to whichever area each case originates from. This is a mindset that lives within many men that rears its ugly head at one time or another.

There are a variety of reasons that can be applied to why these 'Lash Outs' occur. I'm no Counselor, so I'm not going to attempt to analyze such behavior; but I can speak based on personal experience. I've found that men whose mothers ok'd their mediocrity contributed to a later insecurity. Developing once that man came face to face with women NOT so willing to ok their mediocrity and rather required greatness. These types of men begin to feel inadequate when his significant other isn't petting him like his mother would; and in his anger and frustration feels that forcing respect is the angle to take. A warped sense of superiority, but still insecure at the end of the day; and what a wonderful job the mom did to help create this dislodged mind set.

We band together as women to remind our male counterparts not to be confused into a generalization that every woman wishes to be objectified. A choice is made by every individual on how she wishes to be viewed; No matter the decision, she should never be mistaken as inferior!

Come to terms with thine own true heart and own your triumphs and shortcomings in an effort to prevent pinning your insecurities on someone else's prowess.


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